Monthly Archives: July 2012

Pre-Dawn Contemplations of Ineffable Subjects

Itโ€™s early morning here in my office in Humptulips County, and while the building is operational after a massive overnight internal power outage, the office systems are down and useless. I suspect that they will be up and running before … Continue reading

Posted in 'Tis a Puzzlement, Ponderings on the Meaning of Things | 3 Comments

A Personal Voting Manifesto

In Washington state, the election season is upon us. Our primary election is just a few weeks away and political advertisements, robotic phone calls, mailers, rallies, and all of the other accoutrements of modern political life are in full shout … Continue reading

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Transmogrification and My Trip Home

The Road goes ever on and on Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, Let others follow it who can! Let them a journey new begin, But I at last with weary feet … Continue reading

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Shadows On The Grass

Presentiment is that long shadow on the lawn Indicative that suns go down; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass. Emily Dickinson, Presentiment Is That Long Shadow On The Lawn It is finally Summer at … Continue reading

Posted in Humptulips County, Our Place in the Firmament, Ponderings on the Meaning of Things | 1 Comment

Along the Spume Line

We have been at the beach, walking the long, broad beaches near the delta of the Humptulips River. This is the heart of Humptulips County. The forest and sea are in a perpetual ecological standoff here, each one ending so … Continue reading

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